The reason it’s so sneaky is because it uses our own voice and it makes us feel like we ARE doing something even if it’s not something that’s truly productive.
It can look like a long to do list, but nothing ever gets finished.
It can look like brain fog.
It can look like shiny object syndrome… always looking around and being distracted by external things that are going to save the day.
You and I both know that as an entrepreneur a LOT can happen in 2.5 years of being consistently laser-focused!! You can go from broke to being a millionaire in that time! (Lucky for me it was ONLY two years! Some people stay stuck for decades.)
My feed is full of marketers marketing marketing. That’s right. Every kind of funnel, marketing hack, social strategy, strategic planning course, master classes on sales calls. And those ads are SMART. You an imagine how good marketing experts are at marketing anything… let alone marketing. As a creative I could imagine myself on the other side of every single one…
😲 Oh wow! If I just sent emails with better copy writing!
😲 Duh… If only I had a plan like THAT!
😲 What? I can create ALL of my social content in only two hours a month?!
😲 Yes! That’s it! I just need to join this mastermind!! They’ll help me get there!
😲 OMG! Only $2997?! I can use this train for my clients AND for me! What a steal!
I considered shutting down social media all together because I couldn’t focus. I couldn’t get out of la-la land. I wasn’t taking action. I was in analysis paralysis.
And my brain did that to me on purpose. My brain bounced around from idea to idea to keep me safe. Right where I was. Because that’s its job!! That’s what it’s hard-wired to do!
Now that I’m learning more about WHY this happens, I know that behind each and every thought I had looking outside of myself at courses and programs was another thought—one of scarcity and lack; one that told me that I wasn’t enough already, that I wasn’t worthy to succeed without MORE MORE MORE; that my life, experiences, and knowledge weren’t valid; that if I didn’t take action right now I’d never get another chance.
With the inside-out model, though, we can:
😌 Stand strong in our convictions.
😌 Make decisions.
😌 Stay laser-focused.
😌 BE in alignment.
😌 Take inspired action.
Even if we don’t know the the outcome or exactly how to get there we can remain steady when we have faith in ourselves. We can be courageous against shiny objects.
It all starts with understanding that re-programming old programming: shifting the thoughts beneath the thoughts we have about the pretty things distracting us.
You don’t have to let more weeks, months and years go by… staying exactly the same.
You don’t have to put your dreams on a shelf until you’re smarter, wiser, and richer.
You are one decision away from changing your life.
The Designer’s Approach was developed as a simple step-by-step way for anyone to intentionally create a life and business they love. There are SO many facets to who we are, and fulfillment comes from integrating all of them. Download your TDA Guide so that you can start seeing the results of new beliefs in every area of your life.
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