Catalyze pivotal change 
for your ultimate reinvention.

Use neuroplasticity and coaching to
transform your pain into power, redefine your identity,
and confidently rebuild a life
that embodies your highest potential and purpose.







Catalyze pivotal change 
for your ultimate reinvention.

Use neuroplasticity and coaching to transform your pain into powerredefine your identity, and confidently rebuild a life that embodies your highest potential and purpose.

Fear. Loneliness. Extreme overwhelm and fatigue. Anxiety. Racing thoughts. Constant fight or flight…
You’ve built a life and a business through hard work, grit, and determination. But now, you’re facing a massive change—whether it’s divorce, a career shift, or another life-altering decision—and everything feels uncertain. The weight of it all has left you questioning things you’ve never had to before. Your business, your family, even your health feel like they’re in a state of flux, and no matter how capable you’ve always been, the answers continue to be out of reach.


Your brain isn’t naturally wired to embrace change.
But it IS wired TO change.

When you are experiencing massive change—when your inner critic is loud and self-sabotage is abundant—your brain is exposing its deepest fears... Making this the most opportune time to rewire sabotaging beliefs, reconnect with your true self, reinvent your future, and redefine your legacy. 

For a focused, productive, and smooth transition through this time, you need someone who will see what you can’t.

To guide you, hold your vision, and keep you accountable for real, lasting change.

Find answers, create permanent mindset shifts + redesign your life...

[ DEFINE ] your blocks

We’ll set the stage for your targeted evolution by defining your values, understanding your frustrations, and uncovering deep-rooted beliefs.


[ DESIGN ] your goals

By gaining clarity on your desires, we'll erase and intentionally design new thought patterns to naturally inspire actions toward your rebuilding your life and legacy.


[ DEVELOP ] your success

Create a customized, brain-based Productivity Plan for taking inspired action toward your goals and building new physical habits for success.


My purpose? Helping you fulfill yours—simple as that.

As a life coach for business owners, certified in Neuro Coaching and Personal Training, I am incredibly passionate about helping high-achievers live into their fullest potential—driven by their purpose—with focused intention and profound confidence using the power of science and the art of creativity. 

Having gone through divorce and all the change that comes with it as a business owner, I reclaimed my mindset, health, life, and business. I know and understand the fear, pressure and resistance you feel when everything is out of your control. But by applying neuroscience principles I was able to navigate change with clear intentions, focus, and confidence.

I’m most proud of being the mother of two incredible girls who teach me more about life than anything or anyone ever has. They motivate me to be a better person, not just in my actions or words, but they upgrade my BEing on the regular.

Service has been an everyday part of my life, from the very beginning. 

I grew up the daughter of third-generation Italian restaurant owners who instilled two lifelong values in me: family + service. My two sisters and I learned from an early age that there was much more to our family’s restaurant than what was on the menu. Our restaurant served camaraderie, friendships, stories, relaxation, and laughter.

My grandfather always told my father, who always told me and my sisters, “Treat everyone who comes in here the same—whether it’s the president or our neighbor.”

In 2012, I took a leap of faith and started Inspired Studio, a boutique brand design and strategic marketing agency. Throughout the years, we've created one-of-a-kind brand identities for business owners throughout the country. I've worked behind the scenes with hundreds of entrepreneurs, CEOs, Marketing Directors, and craftsmen who ooze with passion—listening and pouring my skills into bringing unique brands to life while continuing to scale the agency.

Behind every success and failure is a deep drive and inspiration that never goes away. Let me help you find yours again so that you can get back to creating the massive impact you’re here to make. 

Is this a good fit? 

“As an intuitive and gifted listener, Maria exudes love, compassion and hope. She is a master of the art and science of coaching in her practice. She shares her super powers each time we connect. Maria has been my biggest advocate and a powerful reflector. In my own wealth management practice, I felt alone at times. Her support and guidance was invaluable. Working with Maria has allowed me to feel safe, heard and championed. She has helped me access the tools needed to move forward in a strategic, aligned, and loving way in my life, my relationships and my business.

Maria has helped me to see myself and my value and to hear my calling loud and clear. I cannot say enough about this amazing woman, she has so much to offer those that are called.

MEGAN ALPERTWealth Management Advisor

Maria asks the tough questions and helps you uncover your current thoughts to help you prove to yourself that old beliefs don’t always apply to your current self. I consistently held back on making important decisions out of fear it would harm me. After working with Maria, I am confident in my decision-making skills which has had a significant impact on my mind and mood. I would highly recommend getting Maria by your side if you feel ‘stuck’ or however else you don't want to feel.”



“Working with Maria has been such a transformative personal and professional experience. She told me at the start of our coaching, ‘You have the answers inside, and I’m going to help you bring them out.’ I didn’t actually believe her—but she was right! Maria has led me through the process of really exploring and defining my brand, priorities, pinch points and goals. Maria keeps me accountable—with her perfect blend of patience and persistence—and I’m energized by doing the work as she guides me along. I’ve grown so much thanks to her expertise and I would highly recommend her to anyone and everyone. If you want to start enjoying clarity, control and success, get Maria into your life today.

JENNIFER HETRO Fractional Marketing Consultant

Maria has the ability to listen intently and ask the most powerful questions in order to get to the root of the problem. Her knowledge and application of neuroscience in her coaching techniques have enabled me to uncover deep limiting beliefs that I didn't know were running my decisions and actions. I love my coaching sessions with Maria—she brings calm, composure and focus. I also love her enthusiasm and good humor. Thank you Maria for being an inspiration and guide.”



“Maria is an amazing coach! Working together we uncovered a limiting belief I had been carrying around with me all my life. One I thought I had conquered, but it was still there in a different form. It was shocking that I still struggled with this and it was why I was working myself so hard and continually burning myself out.

I believe that everyone needs a coach, not just any coach, a good one. One like Maria who will always be in your corner, who will pick you up, who will believe in you always, and who will identify the things that are holding you back from greatness. Maria will help you get to the next level in your life and business!”

AUDRY FAUST / Financial Coach and Fractional CFO

Maria inspires me to see my strengths and uncover the deeper why of what motivates me. 

She creates a safe space to share thoughts and fears. She is empathetic and non-judgmental.  She shares practical and effective strategies while using examples from her own journey to reinforce the messages.  While you are accountable to ‘do the work’ to see results, she walks with you every step of the way.  With her help and support, I have defined what is really important in my personal and professional life.  I have new measures of success using measures important to me.  I look forward to continuing to work with Maria!”

LINDA BROWNChief Administrative Officer, Service 1st FCU


Wow! What an experience it has been. Change is a difficult one, but you can change your thinking and mindset. It takes some practice and you will have some steps back, but do not let it defeat you! I have turned my mindset into more positives that motivate me to practice more positivity, not only in professional aspects but without realizing it, unknowingly in my personal life as well! Key triggers that I had not realized were an issue in my mind were brought forth in these sessions, and what an empowerment journey it has been for me!

An example of a realization for me: I never realized that I consistently was driven and striving to be a strong independent person because something behind the scenes was triggering me to think I always had to be this way, which did not allow quality time for myself. Then the mindset change: “strong” and “independent” are strengths and qualities not to lose sight of, and I have let go of the feeling of failure.
You also get to network with some great people who have experiences, both similar and different than your own, who are there to make a difference.

If you are second-guessing yourself about taking these sessions, my words to you are… GO FOR IT! You will not regret a single moment spent with Maria. She will literally help you change your life and she does it with such compassion, true dedication, and love so that we can be our best selves! Elevating the world, one mind at a time!”

MICHELLE DIETRICH Emergency Management Director, County of Union, Pennsylvania


How to Nurture Authentic Growth in Challenging Times

New level, new devil.

Unveiling the True Self: How to Keep Going in Moments of Shadow